Sunday, September 28, 2008

Natural ways to treat acne

« ...Obviously, given their extreme nature, acne cysts need firm handling - only in the figurative sense, that is. The first step is to see a dermatologist, who will discuss all the available treatment options with you before prescribing one. According to Dr Waite, if the acne cysts are really severe, a dermatologist will prescribe isotretinoin....
...There are many acne scar removal methods available today. Removing acne scars can be both expensive and inexpensive. The cost of removing acne scars largely depends on the type of acne scar and the type of technique is most appropriate....»
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«...Add a lot of natural foods in your diet- Try to avoid any and every kind of processed food and stick to all natural diet for several days. You see this would help cleanse your body and skin. Our eating habits affect not only our body but our skin too in several ways and one of the major reasons why people have acne is also due to the fact that people are on the wrong eating patterns and are often addicted to junk food....»
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tags: how to cure acne scars fast, health secrets and acne, asthma inhalers causes acne

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