Monday, August 4, 2008

Acne medication pills and acne treatment information

Sunlight curing acne is a myth. All tanning does is increase your risk of skin cancer. Furthermore, the acne product you are using can make you more sensitive to sunlight and cause severe reactions to this light. This is true whether you use a tanning booth, sun lamp or direct sunlight. So stay out of the sun or wear a water based sunscreen to protect your skin.
It is not the fats in junk foods which cause acne. Acne most commonly is caused when the pores (tiny holes in the skin) get clogged up by excessive sebum, the oil created by the sebaceous glands to moisturise the skin. The clogging allows harmful bacteria to multiply resulting in spots, pimples or blackheads.
Sure, you do not have this disease, but are you also unable to resist picking zits once in a while? Stop, right there if you are. It is a matter of will control and you can surely muster strength from within to stop yourself from picking zits. If you are still in doubt, remember that picking pimples habit is going to leave acne scars on your skin that are going to be ugly and unsightly.
tags: cetaphil cleanser soap helps with acne, adult acne prevention, how to get rid of acne scars at home

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