Monday, August 4, 2008

Best make up for acne prone skin and how long do mild acne scars take to fade

Homeopathic acne treatments are also available, but it is best that you discuss these treatments with your doctor before you start using them. A lot of these homeopathic acne remedies have not undergone clinical testing to evaluate their effectiveness so you'll have to exercise caution.
As mentioned above, although it is hard to pin point what caused acne, one thing for sure is that acne is not a result of "a dirty face". Even the person who care most about hygiene have a chance of getting acne. However, proper cleansing is still important as a part of good skin care.
While surgery is an effective acne scar treatment option, it is not always suitable for everyone. When determining whether this is the right treatment for you, you should explore a few factors. First, you need to understand your feeling towards the acne scars. Are you scars something that affect your life significantly in terms of your relationships and the way you see yourself? If the answer is yes, then perhaps surgery is a good acne scar treatment that you should use. On the contrary, if you are willing to live with your scars and wait for them to fade over time, then you can skip this surgical option.
tags: lazer treatment for adult acne, reduce acne, best over the counter acne and pore refining treatment

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