Thursday, October 2, 2008

Can zoloft cause acne

« ...Be aware of the habit of touching the face. Doing so transfers the dirt on your hands to your face. Keep your face free from loose hair and regularly shampoo your hair. Our scalp secretes oil that when transferred to the skin, becomes another cause of acne growth....
...5. Tea Tree Oil: The essential oil known as Tea Tree Oil is regarded to be a powerful antibacterial. Simply apply a diluted solution directly to the acne spots....»
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«...With so many millions of young people trying to get rid of acne, it is no wonder at all that so many cures and treatments are lining the pharmacy shelves to appeal to such a wide audience. Most of the products you will find at the stores will have little effect at getting rid of your acne quickly....»
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tags: facial cream recipe acne prone skin, what foods should i eat to prevent acne, what helps reduce acne redness

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