Thursday, October 2, 2008

How to treat acne

« ...Pregnant women are more likely to develop acne outbreaks. It is very common for acne to be present in a pregnant woman. The main cause for acne outbreaks in pregnant women is their hormonal changes during pregnancy. Acne can be worse during the first three months of pregnancy when hormones are much more fluctuating all over. There is a possibility too that acne could last during all the pregnancy period....
...10. If your acne is severe, you can seek help from a skin doctor (dermatologist) Dermatologists help people with a variety of skin problems. A dermatologist may prescribe medications for your back acne problem. There are oral antibiotics, topical treatments, retinol and even oral contraceptives....»
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«...The main complaint I hear from acne sufferers is, 'But what do I eat afterwards, so it won't come back.?"...»
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tags: herbal cure for acne, acne medication salicylic acid, microdermabrision acne scar

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